Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thrill Ride part 2

Q:"I looked over at him. He was still sitting there, elbows on his knees, his ice cream melting. He didn't look like a guy who was trying to cheat on his girlfriend. I guess its true what they say. Looks can be deceiving

C: I felt sorry for the main male character(Parker) in this scene because Megan was assuming and accusing all this things about Parker and it was very far from the truth.

Q: Have you ever been deceived by a persons 'look'? What about a vice versa situation? If one day you looked 'mad' and your friend got mad because she thought you were mad at her? (at these times communication is needed)


Q:"Its entertainment. Its fun, exciting, thrilling. Its an experience. For sixty seconds, people aren't thinking about work or worries.

C: Like I said before, this is exactly how I feel when I'm on a roller coaster. Roller Coasters are good stress relievers if you want to get away from it all...

Q: How can people not like roller coasters? Is it because their scared, or they really just have no interest in it?

Q:"Its easier to start over than to work to make something last."

C:In 12 short&simple words. every person can understand why people break up. And, why in the end, only the strong last.

Q: What is the point of a relationship if you can't give that other person your 110%? ( and that includes all relationships; Your family, Your friends, Your boyfriend/Girlfriends, and pets too)

Thrill ride

Q:"I totally don't get what it so great about the whole queasy-stomach, heart-in-throat, up and down, faster, faster, higher, higher, experience"

C: Personally, I love roller coasters, the great thing about them, well to me, is the feeling it gives you. It puts you through a thrill that makes you feel free. Like you can fly because of how high your up. Or like you just climbed Mount Everest (Okay not really, that was exaggerated but you get my gist)

Q: Have you every felt how I feel because of riding a roller coaster? What other things make you feel that way?


Q:"Be upfront, be honest, be yourself. Basically, be who you are suppose to be."

C: I like this quote because no one wants to hang out with a fake person all day, its really easy to tell if your trying to be someone your not. And, in the end the truth will somehow come out. So save yourself the trouble the first time around.

Q: Why do people have to act 'fake' around certain people? is because there threatened or scared they wont be liked?


Q:" We don't fight, we just don't ever Agree

C: Aha, the first time I read this I automatically thought about how me & my sister argue 24/7 and my parent's get so annyoed of it. I think arguements make conversations more interesting

Q: Has anyone ever spent there whole life without fighting, or having an arguement?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

reading blogs

I've been lagging it on these really badly.

these are from the book called "Jeremy Fink and the meaning of life"

*note; You can go crazy trying to come up with the meaning of life..

reading blog 1)

Q: " Jeremy Fink and the meaning of life"
C: Okay this isn't really a quote in the book, its the title of this book, basically this book is about Jeremy getting a package from his dead dad about a month before his birthday and its a box with the meaning of life in it, unfortunately the person that was holding that package lost the keys to open it so Jeremy is going crazy trying to fidn the keys and if he cacn't find them he tries to think up what is inside of it himself.
Q: What is the meaning of life? Is it possible to fit it all inside of a small box? Will Jeremy ever fins the keys to open his box?

Reading blog 2)

Q : " 8. Some choice are forever "
C : At the beginning of this book I never thought it could be very interesting and it wasn't until the week of the cst's when I got around to the hundredth page that it did. I even had to hold some laughter in at some points. Anyways, I chose this quote because of its simplicity but its boldness, if that makes sense? After writing this in his journal Jeremy then begins to think on how one simple thing can cause a chain of events and in the end there could be a big catastrophe
Q : Are choices really forever? In time can choices be undone? Do people really think about the choice they make? Can a simple choice of drinking milk in the morning affect the reast of your life?

Reading blog 3)

Q : " 10. Just because people aren't in our lives anymore, doesn't mean they stop thinking about us and vice versa"
C : I believe this quote completely, from kindergarten to second grade I had the time of my life with my bestfriends there were five of us including me, it was DeeDee ClrClr MyMy KiKi and Charlene (I don't think she got a nickname) aha, but anyways in second grade we all went seperate ways I moved and recently I just got back in contact with Charlene it was funny how much we remembered of the good old days which seemed so long ago, I was so happy getting to talk to her again and that she remembered me.
Q : Have you been in this type of situations? Do you hold your memories close yo your heart like I do ?

I shall continue tomorrow, its getting late. goodnight :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

reading blog 17

"If you want the stick back that bad, YOU jump in the water for it"

So still reading Marley & Me and this quote stuck out to me because it not only applies to dogs it can apply to everyone. Well, different circumstances of course but you know what I’m talking about. I like this quote because I know that most of the time I don't like speaking for myself, and my sister gets really mad at me for it so all I hear is "jeez Mariah, speak for yourself for once" but sometimes if I really need something I actually get it for myself basically. But can't there sometimes be difficulties to that? What if you really want something but it’s like halfway across the ocean? For example My friend 'accidently' broke one of my bracelets that my uncle got me from Japan and I really loved that bracelet but I simply can't get a new one because first of all like my parents would let me and how in the world would I get the money for it? Okay well yeah get a job or just go to a local oriental store, but I don't know I like making things difficult I guess? I want one just like my last one, anything else simply just can't do. Kind of went off topic, bleh, so sue me (:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is media?

when i was younger I used to think media was just T.V, Internet, music, movies, and newspapers. and its true i think we are all so blinded by the media that we don't see it anymore. I learned that media is influential, and it can endorse things, media is everywhere and it can change our lives, how? well if there was no media for instance we wouldn't of got the news so fast or if we see a person that has a certain logo printed on it you feel as if you had to get one too to "go with the crowd" media could be good or it could be bad but in the end it will never go away because we rely to heavily on it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


So current book i'm reading is called Marley and Me, still at the beginningish and pretty much what i can relate from the book right now is the first time the author describes Marley I imagine Marley looking so much like my new dog Buttercup. From the clumsyness to the sharp teeth. Also the way Marley has tiny legs and huge paws. This book is definitly a book for dog lovers.