Tuesday, October 28, 2008

the good life?

"The truth is we know nothing, not where our cars will fail or when our buses will stall, whether our places of employment will be there when we arrive, or wether in fact, we ourselves will arive whole and alive at the end of our journeys. Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that. the quicker we will be able to treat life as art: to bring all our energies to each encounter, to remain flexible enough to notice and admit when what we expect to happen did not happen. We need to remember that we are created creative and can invent new scenarios as frequently as they are needed"
-Maya Angelou

Okay, so that quote is really long, but it i liked it because she talks about how people live there life expecting, when in life you can't really expect anything because no one can tell the future, the future is something untold about and uncalled for.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

iRead #9(:

"People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone"
-People are strange ; Doors.
Okay so WOW, I finally read TWILIGHT [Thank you Bianca for letting me borrow it! :)] . I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about this book. Okay so at first i didn't get how good it was, I thought the beginning was a little boring, but I kept reading and i soon figured it out. I liked this book so much I read it in two days! D: I've made many comparisons but I know I've forgotten most of them because I never stopped to write them down. One thing i remember though is the part in the beginning-ish after she gets hit by the truck, When she was leaving the hospital, in the waiting room was all these people waiting for her and that kind of reminded me of Arielle [ sorry for spotlighting you ] after her accident mostly everyone surrounded her. Also in the back was the sneak peek to New Moon, I can't wait to read that, they left it on a cliff hanger and I'm anxious to find out what happens. Even though i heard someone say they broke up or something? hm, even better, I can't wait till the movie comes out! *hint* lets plan to go see it together! :]*hint*
eeer, I hope the movie does the book justice, I'd hate it if the movie killed it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ireaad #8 (:

hello there, i saw some old friends yesterday, I'm happy (:
we went to haunted hotel [ it is not worth $15] and i saw Arielle ! :]
so like i think the ticket line was longer than the whole thing D;
and by the time it was over her mom barely got home so we walked to Horton plaza & got food, i think I'm addicted to JAMBA JUICE haha okay reading journal time..


So I'm almost finished with go ask Alice [finally]
and i just wanted to interrupt my reading just to say that it really bugs me when she says she going to quit doing drugs for good and then like a month later she starts again. alot of people told me this was a sad book but right now i have no feeling of sympathy towards her. Oh & i like this quote!

"It's a good thing most people bleed on the inside or this would be a gory, blood-smeared Earth"
I hoped you like that quote because i just spent like 5 minutes trying to look for it again, haha.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our Town :]




Just for Bianca >;]

Muse #2

P.S.I just ate spaghetti, i'm so full (:

Monday, October 13, 2008

ireaad whaa?!

is this the 7th or 8th iread? xP
anyways this is funny, kind of, not. but Go Ask Alice is the the shortest book i have read this year but i'm stll not done with it 0.o
haha, anyways okay so at the part i'm reading her life is going downhill, she just found out this guy used her to sell his drugs but then she found out he was gay so her & her friend Chris moved to San Fransisco to start a new life, So now they live in this shabby place and nothing raelly has happend.
haha this is a bad reading post, i'm still tired x.x
Okay bye bye :D

Sunday, October 5, 2008

iRead part 6.

WHAT?! no smiley face in the title? 0.O

haha, random. okay so yeah i didn't really read that much so lets start off with something different :D Like how on Friday, was the community meet/ blue ribbon ceremony.

It was so sad :/ my friends were all saying how this was suppose to be a welcome/ happy thing & we all come out crying. haha, well i didn't really cry, i tried my hardest not to all the stories were so sad :\ Oh then after that my momma picked me up during lunch for my eye appointment, i am very disappointed in the person that i was suppose to go see for my contacts because now i can't get them until Tuesday. I was really looking forward to them, yes i can be very impatient :D so yeah, I'm going to miss part of the beginning of school on Tuesday.

so that was Friday, i can say Saturday was so much Funn-er ! I went to a fil-am fest with my cousins it was cool, i saw a lot of friends i didn't expect to see, i bought a banana shirt its very cool ;] then after went to cousins house & hung out with her friends because they came.

Yeah don't really want to talk about today though, it was just tiring. Oh i was messing around with GIMP > its like a free photoshop but the quality can't compare to photoshop. Look what I did :D You can click to make it bigger :] its not that great but i was bored & don't mind all the colorful bags & backpacks & teddybear in the backround ^.^(:

Hmmm, so This week i read a little bit of the begining of, go ask alice and the author is Anonymous. What i really liked about the begining of this book is this :

"Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of eachother, trying to buy the same records and everything even if we don't like them."

I liked that part because I think it is SO true, even sometimes if you don't mean to be a shadow you still are.