Sunday, September 28, 2008

iRead part 5 :0

Yay, so I think I'm going to use my iRead blogs to tell how many weeks of school has gone by, good idea huh? :]

anyways, I think I have started a tradition for Fridays! it is to hangout with a couple of friends till like 5? well until 5 if there HTH friends, if there friends from a different school and they live by me its longer but anyways then when I go home I will read till midnight ?D: then usually I stop myself and then read the last part of the book the next morning.

So, I have finished the book Tan Lines by Katherine Applegate. I like this book a lot because i thought i could really relate to it. Well actually it's related in a different circumstances.. if that makes sense? Anyway, I thought i could relate to it because in a lot of the book it talks about how she is planning to go to the University of Wisconsin because everyone one is expecting her to go there, especially her Boyfriend/Fiance Seth, even though she got into this really prestigious university that's called Carlson. But then this guy named Austin comes into the picture and basically tells her that she is only going to UW because hey want her to go there and she needs to go where SHE wants to go and to make herself happy. Well I thought I could relate to that because In the sixth grade was the first time I heard about High Tech, and I though it would of been cool to go there for Middle school, but I didn't really go for it so it never happened, then in 8Th grade some how it got brought up again and my parents weren't really up for it but I asked if I could apply for it just to see what happens, and look where I am now? haha. Yeah, that was a really bad comparison, but i skipped the part where I told my friends I got chosen and they got all sad, me I was kind of happy, you know new starts are kind of fun? haha. Well this is SUPPPPPPER loooooong so I think I'm going to end it here, bye now :]

Monday, September 22, 2008

iRead #4 D:

Hi (: I'm making banana bread right now so I'll finish this later. haha.

Updated* Okay so I never came back and finished this last night :x it got very late & I got very tired. haha. anyways....

So last week I finished the book my very kind and gracious grandma got me which was Two Way Street so I had no other book pretty much unless i wanted to reread a book from my mini collection, but Sunday after church my cousins and sister and mom and auntie and me went to the mall and I decided I should use my money to get a book. :]

So i wanted a book that would take me a while to read but i also needed it to be cheapish, i got the book Tan Lines by Katherine Applegate. I haven't read that much so far, but what i really envy about the character is that she has a little summer get away house which is really cool. I think i need to read more though before i say anything else.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

iRead part 3(:

Hi again! lala, so I'm hyper right now so sorry if i babble. I'm hyper probably because I'm talking to my friend her nickname is SPORK! and I'm her PENGUIN :] haha. I love her & i miss her :/ so yeah were planning out our next hang out day so yes I'm looking forward to that next week! :D

Any ways, so i was like reading my weekend away this weekend. Yeah, i had nothing to do so Friday night I read because i didn't go out, and I finished like the last three pages I had in breaking through, i can honestly say i don't really read books like that but i guess it didn't hurt that I read it. I was kind of disappointed how it ended so suddenly but its all good. :]

After i finished those three pages i went on to the other book i was reading two way street yeah I spent some Friday night and a little bit of Saturday morning finishing it. My sister was laughing at me while i was reading it though, because when I was reading it i got hungry so i made some food & i somehow managed to read, listen to music, and eat all at the same time, but i was tuned out to everything else besides those three things. Okay so in the book it has a HUGE twist in it, you should read it to find out what I'm talking about. I found this book interesting & those type of books you just can't put down, but its those type of books that are usually read by teen girls that don't like reality so enjoy reading about cliched relationships.

BTW* i just felt like saying yes you can tell if i really like the book I'm reading because my facial expression changes as a reaction to what I'm thinking is happening in the scene. My friends like watching me read then they tell me what i do after reading time is over. But that was in middle school. okay ending randomness now. goodbye :]

ooh yes and sorry if i jump around in what im talking about in this post. :D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where i'm from

I am from computers,

from Starbucks and Wal-mart.

I am from breezy palm trees.

Tall, Green, and Swaying freely.

I am from the magnolia tree, the rose, there vivid images and fragrant smells blew me away.

I am from home cooked meals passed down from generation to generation and poor eyesight.

From the womb of Eugenia and Todd Portley.

I'm from loud burps and silent prayers.

From sit still and be respectful.

I'm from a catholic family.

I'm from the big SD but i have family across the oceans,

steak and sinagong.

From the time my mom spilled hot water on herself going down the stairs

to the time she fell down mopping the kitchen floor.

Under the lamp in the living room, the pictures i wish that wouldn't come out when close friends come over.

the memories of the past the i relive over and over while looking at those pictures.

I am me, simple yet complicated.

yuck . i am horrible i don't like it 8]

Sunday, September 7, 2008

iRead part 2(:

so much for posting the pictures, I took alot I'm just going to put everything in a video if I'm not lazy, if i do I'll be sure to post it up :D

Okay, so, update* i am now on chapter 17 in the book Breaking Through. I liked the chapter Making Connections because, well that's pretty much what I'm doing right now is making connections. Because, I am so used to writing about the story that when it comes to making connections I suck. haha.

I also like the ending of chapter 16. In the chapter Los Santitos, I liked how they collected food to give to those who need it. When I was in elementary we always had those especially when holidays were near, we would compete to see who got the most, my class would get to competitive.

One more thing, in the chapter Choosing Sides, it talks about the candidates for the presidents and it reminds me of whats going on right now with Obama and McCain. I also agree with Francisco's father when he called people ignorant, I don't like how people in the world these days base everything on looks.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


goooodmorning !!
Hi again, mm, this is my first random blog? just felt like posting it cause I'm bored & I'm trying to put off cleaning as long as i can! ^.^
well anyways its my birthday party today & i get to see alot of people i haven't seen in a very very very long time. So yeah, nothing else to say? I'll be back to post pictures i took, well if i take pictures. GoodBye for now <3[:

oh, updated* you know what i forgot to put? that waking up on a Saturday when there's a party is HEAVEN! haha why? because, my mom has already started cooking & it always smells so good!
oh & i forgot to talk about how i have survived my second week of school 8] i can't believe how I'm close to some people already & i love how i get a million hugs a day I'm always so happy :]

Monday, September 1, 2008

iRead (:

hi again :D okay so before I start talking about what i read i just want to thank everyone who wished me happy birthday & sang to me :D

okay now, this week I actualy read parts of 2 books.

The first book was reading to chapter 6 in breaking through. Okay, so since i'm not suppose to summarize it, i'm going to talk about what i admire about the main character Francisco Jiménez. What I admire about him most how he can hold everything together no matter how hard things get. I know if that was me i wouldn't been able to have gone through with anything.

The second book i'm reading is called Two way street by Lauren Barnholdt it's kind of funny how i got this book. On saturday my grandma took me out as an early birthday present and we were by a borders. I asked her if i could get a book i needed for my humanities class, but just my luck it was sold out >.< so my grandma just let me choose a different book cause she always buys me one :] um, I have only read a couple of chapters so far and the story goes from the past to the present so I don't really have anything to compare it to besides the fact that they have a myspace? haha. :D